Royal Thai Spa - Thai massage salon in Kyiv

Neck massage as a way to gain clarity of mind and comfort in the body

A sedentary lifestyle, constant work at the computer, frequent use of gadgets - have a negative effect on the cervical spine. Incorrect body position, lack of physical activity provoke a number of problems:

In order to prevent possible violations, you should pay particular attention to your posture and regularly make massage of the neck.

Neck massage helps to relax muscles and has a positive effect on the nutrition of the brain. Moreover, it improves lymph drainage.

The main indications for massage of the cervical spine:

  1. feeling of tiredness, discomfort in the neck-collar zone at the end of the working day;
  2. muscle hypertonia, spasms, neck pain;
  3. frequent dizziness, migraines, headaches;
  4. high blood pressure;
  5. insomnia;
  6. neurotic disorders;
  7. scoliosis;
  8. osteochondrosis;
  9. arthrosis;
  10. spondyloarthrosis;
  11. prevention of cardiovascular diseases (heart attack, stroke, etc.);
  12. component of rehabilitation after severe injuries, strokes, bruises;
  13. inactive lifestyle, sedentary work;
  14. chronic fatigue, frequent stressful conditions;
  15. tinnitus;
  16. VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia);
  17. intervertebral hernia;
  18. violation of cerebral blood supply;
  19. diseases of the digestive and respiratory systems;
  20. memory impairment;
  21. cognitive disorders.

It is worth paying attention to a number of contraindications to a therapeutic massage of the collar zone:

The benefits of neck-collar zone massage are inestimable:

  1. relieve of psycho-emotional and physical stress;
  2. better sleep;
  3. elimination of spasms, pain;
  4. oxygen saturation of all parts of the brain;
  5. normalization of blood pressure;
  6. correction of posture, elimination of slouch;
  7. increased efficiency;
  8. increasing skin tone, getting rid of fatty deposits in the cervicobrachial region;
  9. general improvement in the work of internal organs.

Classic massage of the neck area includes several techniques: stroking (slow and smooth manipulation of the palms along the central part of the cervical spine); drilling (pressing with thumbs on the back in combination with circular movements of the other fingers); rubbing (the process of heating tissues, muscles, joints with the help of intense displacement of the skin under the hands of a master).

A therapeutic massage of the collar zone can be done at home. The self-massage procedure contains a set of movements described above - stroking, rubbing and pressing. Start by lightly stroking the cervical spine and gradually move on to more intense manipulations.

Neck pain massage helps to relax at the end of a busy day at work, to remove muscle hypertonicity after strength training.

Massage against pain in the neck helps to relax at the end of a busy day at work, to remove muscle hypertonicity after strength training.

The acupressure massage of the neck is worth to be highlighting. It is aimed at working out the local acupuncture points that are responsible for certain internal organs. The healing effect of this massage is similar to yoga head massage and Ayurvedic head massage. Stimulation of biologically active points balances the work of the whole organism.

Massage of the cervical spine is an excellent addition to a therapeutic head massage to avoid headaches. Neutralizing the clamps in the neck improves blood circulation and oxygen transport to the vessels of the brain.

During the therapeutic massage of the cervical spine, master can use oils, gels, salt, honey. Natural ingredients more effectively relieve pain, tension and muscle spasms.

How often neck massage can be made?

The optimal course duration is 10 days. Most often, sessions are carried out every 2 to 3 days, depending on the condition and individual characteristics of the organism. Nowadays, the technique of massage of the neck-collar region is one of the most effective and popular, which is used for different age groups.