Royal Thai Spa - Thai massage salon in Kyiv

Massage with hot stones

This relaxation procedure is aimed at calming the nervous system, warming the joints and restoring the energy balance of the body. Basalt stones of volcanic origin are used as heat conductors. The master alternates massage with warm hands and massage with hot stones, laying them on energetically active points. This massage method has calming and sedative effects.

Effect of the procedure:

Calms the nervous system, relieves muscle tension, has an analgesic effect for the joints. The skin after this procedure is moisturized.

Procedure cost:
couples massage

30-minute procedures are not an independent service. Go as an additional option to the main ones.

Stone Massage is a procedure that combines the use of heated stones and shiatsu massage. Stones are put on certain areas of the body and it helps to relax, to bring harmony to the nervous system, to relieve muscle pain. This procedure is a good way of treatment and prevention of various diseases. In addition, Stone Massage helps in losing weight: it makes metabolic processes work faster.

Tradition of stone therapy

Stone Massage in Kiev is relatively new, but in the East this technique has been known for thousands of years. It is a fact, that in Mesopotamia doctors used to put hot stones on the body of the patient, and in Japan the monks often used the healing properties of rocks for different health problems. It is also known that American Indians believed in the miraculous properties of stones, saying that the stone is a powerful source of cosmic energy. Whether it’s true or not, we do not know, but those who have tried Stone Massage in Kiev confirm the idea that during the procedure you have a feeling of being dissolved and you become part of nature and universe. This creative energy gives you new strength and makes you feel happy.

Description of the procedure

Stone Massage is based on reflexology and energy-temperature impact of stones. During the procedure, the master takes turn using hot and cold stones. Hot stones are basaltic rocks, as basalt keeps warmth for a long time, and cold stones are made of marble, which stay cool even on the hottest day. Before, the stones were heated in the sun, now special heating units are used in the salons.

During the session, the light should be subdued, and fragrances around - soft and soothing. Procedure Stone Massage is done on the mat. In the beginning, the master applies essential oils on the body. Then, he slowly relaxes the client, lightly touching the back with stones or placing them along the backbone. Later, the therapist lays out stones on bioactive points of the body: from the toes to the eyes, and then he massages free areas of ​​the body. It starts like a regular massage, but gradually it becomes massage with heated to 40 (104 F) degrees stones, the heat of which penetrates into the depths of your body. Experts recommend to finish Stone Massage with a cup of herbal or green tea.

Healing properties of Stone Massage

Besides the fact that Stone Massage is an opportunity to relax and feel yourself a weightless particle of the universal flow of energy, it has the following effects:


frequently asked questions

What is Stone therapy and what are its benefits?

Stone therapy, or hot stone massage, involves the use of smooth, heated stones that are placed on key points of the body or used in the hands of a therapist for massage. This type of massage improves blood circulation, relieves muscle tension, and promotes deep relaxation.

What techniques are used in Stone therapy?

Stone therapy uses a combination of light pressure and the placement of hot stones on strategically important areas of the body, which allows you to achieve a deep level of muscle relaxation and improve blood circulation.

What stones are used for massage in Stone therapy?

Basalt stones are used for Stoneware therapy - rocks of volcanic origin that retain heat well and have a smooth surface, which is ideal for massage.

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